Web Application for Car Part Prediction
and Damage Estimation with Single Image

Example Webapp

Story Board





   Nowadays, when claiming for car part damages, the insurance company sends an employee to investigate the accident site and visually inspect and estimate the damages. However, this method may lead to inaccuracies or biases. In some cases, companies have implemented a photo-taking and uploading method for damage assessment, but it is time-consuming.
  Developers are required to develop models that can estimate car parts and damage using training from the EfficientNet model. This model has good efficiency and accuracy, making it ideal for creating a "Web Application for car part prediction and damage estimation with single image".
  The "Web Application for car part prediction and damage estimation with single image" created by developers has the benefit of being able to take photos and estimate damages in an accident situation immediately. It can determine which parts are damaged and the extent of the damage.

Project poster

The website template was borrowed from Michaël Gharbi.